Planst in Nature



Hi, I'm Rachel Theiler, NTP. I am a holistic nutritional therapy practitioner. I strive to get to the root cause of disease, dysfunction and symptoms. I work towards eliminating toxicities, imbalances and supporting you with nutrition, tools and accountability, so you can reverse your symptoms and restore function to heal your own body.

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My mission at Sycamore Nutritional Wellness is to make you feel heard and supported. Everyone's health journey is just that, a journey. It is very bio-individual and personal. There is no program or one-size-fits-all. Along the process, there will be victories. But there will also be set-backs and bumps in the road. I am not here to tell you WHAT to do but HOW to do it so you can overcome those obstacles to your unique situation and optimize your health. Healing is in your hands. I am just here to put the pieces together and to educate you on how your body works by identifying your stressors, toxicities and nutritional deficiencies so that we can get things running like new again.

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Who Am I?

I have been in the healthcare field for over 20 years and transitioned to holistic nutrition in 2022. But long before this transition, I dabbled in holistic wellness. After experiencing debilitating stomach pain, diarrhea, brain fog and fatigue for two years straight, I knew I had to do something. I sought out MDs, ARNPs and PAs to find that most did not listen and a prescription medication (that usually came with other side effects) was their only tool. There was little to no sound nutritional feedback, lifestyle changes or accountability offered. I finally found an integrative PA that would listen and into the wild I went. I changed my diet, sleep habits exercise routine, worked on my sleep, removed toxins including my breast implants and started to see some changes..... Finally, I applied to school to become a nutritional therapy practitioner, which changed everything. It took me to a whole new level of healing.

And now, I want to help YOU!

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Included in packages:

  • 300 plus nutritional assessment questionnaire that includes the foundations of nutrient dense diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acids, minerals, hydration, sleep, stress, movement and identifying barriers
  • Food and Mood Journal analysis and recommendations
  • 90 minute initial interview
  • 60 minute recommendations visit
  • 1:1 nutritional therapy sessions every two weeks or monthly 1 virtual and 1 in-person muscle testing hybrid package
  • 6, 8 and 12 month packages now available
  • Monthly concierge rates also available upon request

Upon request:

  • blood chemistry testing and functional/optimal range analysis
  • GI map testing and analysis
  • FIT testing and analysis
  • DNA testing and analysis
  • Advanced applied kinesiology muscle testing (Cellcore Level 3 trained)
  • Assessment of mitochodrial function, organ function, drainage function, hidden toxins including mycotoxins, parasites, SIBO, candida, Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, mercury and lead toxicity and many others
  • Email, text and phone call support outside of sessions when needed upon request, session rates may apply if more time is needed
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What are you waiting for? Better health is just around the corner. I would love to connect with you. If you are wanting to work with me 1:1 or have questions, we can schedule your free consultation call now. Please email me your name, phone number and questions at:

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